Velox Camera System: Enhancing UAV Surveillance

In an age where security and surveillance are crucial, Nanomotion introduces Velox—a cutting-edge gyro-stabilized EO/IR 2-axis payload that elevates day and night surveillance, ensuring comprehensive terrain dominance. With its advanced EO/IR camera, Velox revolutionizes applications like Border Protection, Search & Rescue, Security & Surveillance, Traffic Monitoring, and Precision Agriculture. The integration of this sophisticated EO/IR technology marks a major advancement in surveillance capabilities, delivering unmatched performance in both visual and thermal imaging.


Improving Situational Awareness and SWaP in UAV Optronics.

Unmanned Ariel Vehicles (UAVs) play a crotocal role in modern defense applications, providing vital situational awareness for border monitoring, search and rescue, threat detection, and anomaly identification. Equipping UAVs with the right optronics system is crucial for mission success. this white paper explores key considerations for defense contractors designing and integrating optronics for UAV-based surveillance systems.

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