An OIS XY platform consists of Nanomotion’s Edge motors on each axis, with a closed loop, position sensor and all of the drive electronics. The controller takes input signals from an external gyro and commands the axes for position stabilization

This clip is an illustration of the working principle behind Nanomotion’s patented Piezoelectric servo motors. Watch how the piezoelectric elements “dances”, causing motion due to friction between the element tip and the stage platform.

This is a 5 axis stage platform consisting from bottom to top, Tip Tilt X Y Z. Nanomotion offers multi-axis motion systems that operate at 5nm encoders resolving moves down to 20nm in step size.

The motion system is also supported with Nanomotion’s AB2 amplifiers, which provide operation in a normal servo mode as well as an ultra-high resolution DC mode, allowing for positioning and motion down to 1 encoder count (5nm). The AB2 supports seamless switching between the two modes for ‘coarse & fine’ motion build into the same axis.
