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Industry |
Velox is an advanced miniature gyro stabilized EO/IR 2-axis payload for day and night surveillance and area dominance applications. High dynamics – high endurance performance enables large amplitude vibration compensation, allowing operation in low light level and thermal camera with no blur. The Payload is equipped with high end optics 12M pixel VIS camera and uncooled IR 640 x 512 Camera. The line of sight is stabilized by a closed loop control system. It achieves stabilization of elevation and azimuth axes with the assistance of the gyroscope and encoders sensors to a level of 80μRad.
Industry |
Velox is an advanced miniature gyro stabilized EO/IR 2-axis payload for day and night surveillance and area dominance applications. High dynamics – high endurance performance enables large amplitude vibration compensation, allowing operation in low light level and thermal camera with no blur. The Payload is equipped with high end optics 12M pixel VIS camera and uncooled IR 640 x 512 Camera. The line of sight is stabilized by a closed loop control system. It achieves stabilization of elevation and azimuth axes with the assistance of the gyroscope and encoders sensors to a level of 80μRad.