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From precision multi-axis motion systems to motor components, Nanomotion offers complete solutions to suit your motion profile. World leaders in piezoelectric technology, our system design and integration specialists will manage your project from concept to final product, giving you a cost-effective high performance system to suit your motion requirements. From motor to motion platform to control, Nanomotion is committed to providing you with creative, innovative motion solutions.
From the lab to the fab, let Nanomotion design the motion solutions best suited to your application.
To make life easier for us, technologies must become more complex. This complexity comes in large part from companies in the semiconductor industry. From microprocessors to integrated circuits, the semiconductor industry is the engine that drives technology. The semiconductor industry lives by a simple creed: smaller, faster, and cheaper. Nanomotion’s line of motors, available in a wide variety of sizes and suitable for environments from standard ambient up to Ultra High Vacuum, are perfectly suitable to meet all motion requirements for the Semiconductor industry. Nanomotion has built motion platforms for the semiconductor industry to for a wide range of applications, from micro-stages to a 300mm wafer inspection stage.
Nanomotion’s motors and motion modules have been designed to optimize a wide range of optronic applications. The use of Nanomotion’s piezo technology optimizes SWaP, (Size, weight, and Power) and provides silent operation for the most challenging environments. Nanomotion’s products are used in a wide range of flight, ground/water vehicle and weapon mounted applications that are subjected to a wide range of temperature, shock and vibration. All of Nanomotion’s motion modules are designed and tested to comply with defense and environmental requirements.
Biotech and medical technology are based on innovation and ingenuity – two reasons why Nanomotion excels in developing solutions for these industries. Cytopathology, cell imaging, material handling, and MRI compatible robots and manipulators are just some of the areas that our
ceramic servo motor technology
is currently applied. Providing the highest force per motor size has allowed the medical equipment manufacturers to reduce the size of the machine, while increasing the performance. Nanomotion’s non-magnetic motors are MRI compatible, allowing motor operation during the MRI process.
The development of Micro & Nano satellites at Low Earth Orbit (LEO) commercial appilcations continue to drive motion requirements for earth observation and wide band communication. Nanomotion has developed a variety of motion modules and precision stages qualified for space applications to meet the demands of these applications. These modules and stages, along with the controls are rated to survive the shock/vibration of launch, withstand the radiation levels exposed to LEO satellites and function for years with a wide operating temperature range.
Earth observation satellites, operating at the height of 200-500Km and large thermal variations, utilize a Nanomotion motion system is to facilitate capturing clear images. A motion system can also enable additional advantages such as super resolution, hyper-spectral , and other scanning requirements.
High band communication between satellites and to ground station requires accurate antenna alignment and front wave corrections. Nanomotion miniature space rated actuators provide accurate mirror alignment for a tunable laser based communication platform, yielding micro-radian positioning and tracking capabilities.
As most satellites have moving parts, the ultimate result is that micro vibrations are produced. Operating in space there is no means to dampen the vibration, which can continue for long periods of time. Recent tests, measured and documented Nanomotion’s stages, revealing orders of magnitude lower disturbance comparted to systems utilizing standard electric motors. Operating without gears, Nanomotion’s motors and stages produce smooth motion with no micro vibrations.
Nanomotion solutions for other industries, including a non-magnetic, dual axis rotary stage, a multi-axis motion system, a nanoscale X-Ray Imager